How To Stay Consistent In Life And Business During A Busy Season

As we get to the end of the year, the busy season is upon us. Q4 is packed full of holidays, fun activities and parties, and opportunities for sales or big things in your business. It can get challenging to adequately balance everything and not feel stuck, overwhelmed, and/or burned out.

So the question is > How does one stay consistent in life and business during such busy seasons?

In this episode, I am going to give you a toolkit of strategies that will help you maintain your momentum and thrive.

Why is consistency such a critical factor for success, especially in the context of entrepreneurship?

Consistency is the backbone of progress. It's about doing the right things repeatedly and systematically to achieve your goals. In the world of entrepreneurship, consistency can be the difference between building a thriving business and struggling to make ends meet. It's the steady drumbeat of daily actions that accumulate over time, leading to significant achievements.

How do we stay consistent during incredibly busy seasons when life seems to throw one challenge our way after another?

1. Discipline

Discipline is the foundation upon which consistency is built. It's about making commitments to yourself and your goals and then honoring those commitments, even when motivation wanes. It's making a promise to yourself and keeping it.

How do you develop discipline? Set clear boundaries and priorities.

Determine what matters most in your life and business. What are your non-negotiables? When you establish those boundaries, it becomes easier to make decisions that align with your goals.

You can say no to distractions and activities much easier if they don't serve your priorities. And preserve your time and energy for what truly matters.

2. Routines

Routines provide structure and predictability, and that is not only incredibly comforting during a chaotic time, but it's nice to just have something that we can do on autopilot. As entrepreneurs, creating a daily routine that includes time for important tasks, self-care, and rest is absolutely essential because your routine becomes your anchor.

3. Selfcare

We cannot forget the aspect of self-care. It's so common for entrepreneurs to neglect self-care when life gets busy, but this is a big mistake.

Self-care is not a luxury. It's a necessity, and neglecting it can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. So prioritize self-care actions that recharge you, whether that's exercise, meditation, reading, or spending quality time with loved ones. It does not have to be fancy or expensive. It just needs to be the thing that recharges you along the way, and quite frankly, I've said this a million times before, but you can't pour from an empty cup. So, taking care of yourself is essential to sustaining the consistency that you're going to need through this really, really busy season.

4. Time management

Effectively managing your time allows you to accomplish more with less stress. So consider including some new time management techniques into your day-to-day life, such as a Pomodoro or a power hour or time blocking or task batching. Any and all of these things can help you make the most of your available time and maintain a consistent work rhythm.

The Pomodoro technique is typically working 30-minute blocks. So you do 25 minutes of work with a five-minute break, 25 minutes, five minutes, 25 minutes, five minutes. And then you have a longer break at the back end of it. 

Time blocking is looking at putting blocks of time, for lack of a better word, on your calendar.

So, saying that from 9 to 12, I'm going to do content, whatever that may be, or blocking out certain things, and that could be really, really effective, especially for someone who needs to get through bigger projects. 

Task batching is like what I'm doing, which is sitting in my closet recording all of October's podcasts all at once so that I'm not constantly thinking about it throughout the month. It's all just done.

5. Mindset

Your mindset plays a significant role in maintaining consistency during busy times, cultivating a growth mindset that embraces challenges and sees them as opportunities to grow.

The challenges we face are not always negative. They're just things that we have to work through and problem-solve. So, how can we look at them as opportunities for growth? How can you get your mindset to be excited for that challenge or for that new experience rather than daunted by it? And this takes practice. This takes work and being incredibly intentional, but I promise that it will do wonders for your base level of stress and your base level of overwhelm if we are cultivating that growth mindset every single day in our life and business.


Consistency, discipline, routines, and self-care are all interconnected by mastering these elements. We can navigate busy seasons with grace and build a really strong foundation for long-term success in both your life and business.

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