How To Stay Motivated In Business: Especially When You Don't See Results
If you’ve been in business for any amount of time, you know that seasons of low or lack of motivation are almost inevitable. Especially when your hard work is seemingly amounting to nothing. You lose sight of your why, and every task becomes a chore. You may even start questioning if you’re doing the right thing.
But how do you stay motivated in business, especially when you don’t see results?
I’m going to share strategies that you can use to make progress, stay determined, and stay motivated in your business.
Why is it so important to stay motivated even when you're not seeing results? Why does motivation matter?
Motivation is the fuel that keeps us going on our journey towards our goals. It's what helps us push through challenges, stay committed, and ultimately achieve success. Motivation is not just a nice to have; it is essential for long-term success. We cannot just brute force our way towards our goals.
Motivation is the driving force of our actions. It's our willingness and our desire to accomplish those goals. And this force can be extrinsic or intrinsic.
Extrinsic motivation: Extrinsic motivation is outside motivation or when external results drive the reward. So, in other words, that means it's the paycheck we get for showing up to work every day. Or the party at the end of a big race, right?
Intrinsic motivation: Intrinsic motivation is a drive without any obvious external reward. It's when you want to perform the act because it's enjoyable, because you love it because it's interesting rather than feeling any pressure to do it.
As entrepreneurs, we need both types of motivation because we know that money isn't always going to be there, but it is definitely motivating us to work every single day - we all started our businesses to make money. But we also started our business because the service or product we offer is something we enjoy doing and love teaching others. However, it's not always easy to keep up with that internal motivation or to feel the external motivation in a way that is actually within reach.
Strategies For When You Lose Motivation in Your Business
1. Focus on your why
Why did you start your business in the first place?
What's the larger purpose behind it?
How will achieving your goal improve your life or the lives of others?
When we reconnect with our why, it can reignite our passion and remind us of the significance of our efforts. It helps us see the bigger picture beyond that immediate lack of results. It helps us see the bigger picture beyond the immediate lack of results.
2. The power of discipline
Motivation can be really fleeting, but discipline is what keeps us on track when that motivation wanes. It's doing what needs to get done, even when you don't feel like doing it.
One effective way to build discipline is by establishing routines and habits. When we have a consistent routine, it just becomes easier to stay on course. Even when motivation is low, our body is on autopilot. We know what we're going to work on next. We know how to do these things. These habits create a sense of progress, which can be motivating in and of itself.
3. Track your wins
Especially when results are slow to manifest, seeing that small progress along the way and the wins, no matter how small, can serve as tangible evidence that what you're doing is working.
Bonus tip
It's worth mentioning that self-compassion plays a vital role in maintaining motivation during these challenging times; be kind to yourself and recognize the setbacks. Starting a business is hard. It is scary. We set ourselves up for failure every single day. So remember that few people even start to work on their dreams - that can be incredibly motivating.
It's also important to avoid being overly critical of ourselves or a perfectionist because these attitudes can just zap our motivation instead of taking the growth mindset viewpoint of seeing any kind of setback as an opportunity for growth and learning.
Lastly, surrounding yourself with a supportive community can be a tremendous asset. I encourage you to share your goals and challenges with friends and family, with like-minded individuals or other entrepreneurs, or a coach who can provide you with encouragement and accountability. Having someone to lean on during those slower times can make a significant difference and help you stay motivated.
Staying motivated when you're not seeing results is really a test of your determination and commitment. Remember that success rarely happens overnight. It is often the result of consistent effort, discipline, and resilience. So, keep your why in mind and keep it handy. Nurture your discipline, track and celebrate all of the wins, be kind to yourself, and lean on your support system.
I hope these strategies will help you stay motivated even when your goals feel really challenging, even when things feel out of reach.
Free Resources For You
Grab Chelsey’s free guide on Understanding Procrastination.
Schedule a free 30-minute consultation call with Chelsey so that you can create a booked-out business without burnout.
Connect with Chelsey Newmyer
Instagram: @chelseyncoaching